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Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga

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Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga Empty Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga

Postitamine  alter Püh Dets 20 2009, 12:15

Oled ilmselt märganud, et kui satud mehega — olgu ta kolleeg või kaunis tundmatu — vastamisi vestlusse, vajub mehe pilk silma-tasandilt kuhugi kaela ja naba vahelisse piirkonda. Teadlased võtsid asja uurida ja teatavad rõõmuga, et naistel pole muretsemiseks põhjust. Sest teeme nii meestele hoopis head.

Nimelt on Saksa gerontoloog Karen Weatherby suutnud oma uurimusega tõestada, et mehele mõjub suure rinnapartii vahtimine tervislikult ja füüsiliselt peaaegu samaväärselt kergemat sorti treeninguga. Ning nagu sellest veel vähe oleks: rindadega tõtt vaadates pikendab mees oma eluiga — koguni kuni viis aastat.

Weatherby andmeil võrdub 10-minutiline tissivaatlus ligikaudu pooletunnise aeroobse treeninguga. Paariminutiline sessioon vähendab meestel aga ligi poole võrra insuldi- ja infarktiohtu.

Soovitusi jagades tõdeb Weatherby, et enam kui 40-aastastel meestel soovitatakse tervendamise ja eluea pikendamise eesmärgil silmapaistvaid partiisid vaadelda 10 minutit korraga. Nii iga päev.


Ei tea, see on selline popularistlik uudis, kui palju seal tõde on, aga ilmselt evolutsiooniliselt on naiste partiid ikka meeste tähelepanu püüdmiseks ja kindlasti mõjub nende vaatlemine meestele positiivselt lol! . Ilmselt on meestel selline refleks juba sisse ehitatud, samas ei usu, et kõiigle naistele meeldib, et neid vahitakse. Mõned küll püüavad tähelepanu, aga eks naistel olegi omad kavalused samamoodi sisse ehitatud.

Postituste arv : 816
Points : 1418
Join date : 30/11/2009
Age : 37

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Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga Empty Re: Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga

Postitamine  alter Püh Dets 20 2009, 13:52

Inglise keelsed uudised - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/lifestyle/scientific-proof-that-men-look-at-womens-breasts-first-and-their-face-is-almost-last/story-e6frf00i-1225770286482 - teaduslik tõestus, et mehed vaatavad naiste rindu kõigepealt ja viimasena alles nägu.

It’s thought that the reason might be evolutionary, as women with larger chests and slim waists - such as Jennifer Hawkins, Lara Bingle and Rachael Finch - have higher levels of the female hormone oestrogen, indicating greater fertility.

Subjects tested by researchers from New Zealand’s University of Wellington were presented with six images of the same woman, digitally altered to increase or decrease the size of her bust, waist and hips.

The scientists recorded which areas men looked at first, the number of times they looked, and how long their gaze lasted, using cameras and mirrors to measure tiny eye movements.

"Eighty per cent of first fixations were on the breasts and midriff. Men spent consistently more time looking at the breasts and also made significantly more fixations upon them than other regions," the study concluded.

It also found that men began to gaze at the "components of the hourglass figure" within 0.2 seconds.

Inglise keelne uudis eesti-keelsest uudisest, tundub, et see on juba vana linnalegend, googlest võis seda uudist ka varasemast ajast leida:

Sexual desire linked to better blood circulation
The researchers declared that sexual desire gives rise to better blood circulation that signifies an overall improved health.

Weatherby explained the concept stating, "Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There's no question: Gazing at breasts makes men healthy.

"Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."

Postituste arv : 816
Points : 1418
Join date : 30/11/2009
Age : 37

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Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga Empty Re: Rindade vaatamine võib pikendada meeste eluiga

Postitamine  alter Püh Dets 20 2009, 16:02

http://ezinearticles.com/?Is-it-True-Women-Are-More-Attracted-to-a-Man-With-a-Larger-Penis?&id=3423958 - kas naised eelistavad suurema peenisega mehi.

The same aspects can be applied to women and their biological interpretation of a man. A man who is strong and powerful is unconsciously desired, biologists say, as it imparts a man who will be able to protect the mother and their children. A large penis is, as biologists claim, associated with a man who is potent and fertile.

Research has confirmed that what most women want is a bigger-than-average penis, but what is really important is width rather than length. They say the ideal penis is one which is thick enough to stretch the woman's vaginal opening and which can be felt inside their body, each time they have sex. "I would rather sleep with a guy who has a thick member than someone with a thin, reedy schlong that hits my cervix every time he penetrates me."

Similarly, most of the 200 women interviewed representing all ages (over 18), sizes, ethnicities, and sexual habits opted for girth (or the circumference) over length, as they claimed to enjoy the feeling of a thick penis rubbing against their vaginal walls rather than having an unusually long penis poking against their insides.


Postituste arv : 816
Points : 1418
Join date : 30/11/2009
Age : 37

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